Depending on the location of the blockage, there are three types of blockages that have been found in fallopian tubes such as:
1. Proximal fallopian tube blockage – blockage near the uterus
2. Middle – Blockage between fallopian tubes
3. Distal obstruction – Blockage near fimbriae, which is near the end of the fallopian tube.
Uterus is connected to two ovaries by a pair of muscular tubes called fallopian tubes. One ovary have chance of getting pregnant similar to one having two ovaries provided it is healthy and normal functioning. The most important thing for pregnancy with one ovary and one fallopian tube is if the presence of that single ovary in same side that of single fallopian tube because tubal end hangs near ovary to catch egg released during ovulation.
7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes
1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube
Fallopian tubes play an important part in pregnancy. The tubes must be freely movable and free of adhesions and scars. At the end of the tubes there is finger like projection called fimbriae. The fimbriae collect the egg from the ovaries and help it to move towards the tubes for fertilization. The fertilized egg then move towards the uterus for implantation in the course of 5 days. For a successful pregnancy, the tubes should be open so that the egg and sperm meet. The inner lining of the fallopian tube should function properly to initiate the movement of fertilized egg towards the uterus. A damaged tube or the blocked fallopian tubes is also called tubal factor infertility and thus it prevents the meeting of egg and sperm.
2. Understand how fallopian tubes can be damaged or blocked
It is important to understand the cause of tubal blockage and tube damage. The delicate fallopian tube gets easily blocked and damaged thus affecting fertility. The scarring or adhesions can develop from the past abdominal surgery. Pelvic inflammatory disease is a main cause of tubal infertility and increases the chances of ectopic pregnancy. Use of intra-uterine contraceptive device, endometriosis and sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia may cause infection in the fallopian tubes.
Fallopian Tube Blockage And Fibroids
Uterine fibroids affect fertility in different ways depending on the site and location of the fibroids. Fibroids also causes tubal blockage that makes implantation of the fertilized egg impossible.
3. Learn how fallopian tubes can become clogged or damaged
The fallopian tubes are fragile organs that are as thin as a pencil lead. As a result, they are prone to become obstructed or damaged, resulting in tubal sterility.
The use of an intrauterine contraceptive device, especially when there are several sexual partners, is also known as one of the reasons for fallopian tube injury
A pelvic X-ray called hysterosalpingogram determines the tubal blockage. The test involves administering a dye in the uterine cavity. The fallopian tube complications involve reduced flexibility of the tubes, total blockage of the tubes, inner side of the fallopian tubes can be damaged. All these cause infertility and increases the chances of ectopic pregnancy. The severity of the damage thus indicates the treatment to be opted for getting pregnant when the tubes are blocked.
4. Heal your tubes
Given how crucially important your fallopian tubes are in falling pregnant, and how very delicate and easily damaged they are, it is clear that falling pregnant with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes might require you to to a few things. As with any major diet and lifestyle changes, it takes at least 6-12 months of consistent change, along with natural therapies to bring about real change in the body when living with blocked fallopian tubes. So don’t give up when things get tough, I promise that these changes will be worth it in the long run!
5) Herbs for blocked fallopian tubes
There are many ways to naturally treat blocked fallopian tubes!
There are immune enhancing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial herbs that are capable of enhancing your immune system so that it can help naturally unblock your fallopian tubes.
- Goldenseal Root: This herb is extremely antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. The herb works on the mucus membrane that lines the fallopian tubes on the inside and tones it so that the infection is warded off. It works to heal any infection in the reproductive system, while also reducing pain and inflammation from foreign tissue growth.
- Echinacea: This herb works to enhance your immune system. The roots of this perennial herb are generally used to cure flu and cold. The herb has additional properties such as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. The herb will help your body fight against the infections that cause blockage of the fallopian tubes. Once that is done, your tubes will clear out automatically.
- Dong Quai Root: One of the best herbs for promoting circulation to the reproductive organs. Dong Quai acts on the circulatory system and lymphatic system reducing tissue congestion. It has both pain reducing and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Hawthorn: This herb works to reduce abdominal congestion. Hawthorn is extremely high in antioxidants, improves the integrity of blood vessel wall, aids the body in proper oxygen use and improves blood flow to your fallopian tubes.
- Ginger Root: A wonderful herb used to increase circulation and promote blood flow to the reproductive organs. The increased circulation also helps to reduce inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.
6) Make The Choice Of Treatment You Want
There is always a fear of surgery for any disorder. Also in some cases the surgery and modern medicine has a bad impact and cause certain side effects. Many women tend to choose treatment that is natural, non invasive and does not cause any long term side effects.
7) Do not give up
Infertility is difficult to live with. Once you’re on the fertility hamster wheel, in pursuit of the dream shared by most of the human race — to be a parent to your biological child — there’s no one who can tell you it’s time to get off of it.
Though you may feel alone, though it may seem you’re the only infertile couple among all your friends, you are not alone in this big world. One in eight experience fertility problems at some point in their lives.
There’s a good chance someone you know has struggled with trying to conceive, but they are keeping it secret.
Pregnancy chances with one fallopian tube
Most women are born with two healthy fallopian tubes. Also known as uterine tubes or oviducts, these female structures are responsible for the monthly transport of ovum from the ovary to the uterus. If sperm is introduced through the vagina and fertilization occurs, the fallopian tube is the means of transportation to transfer the fertilized egg to the uterus for implantation.
The fallopian tubes play an important role in conception. For this reason, there is a common misconception that pregnancy is not possible with only one functioning fallopian tube. However, this is generally not the case. Many women are able to get pregnant and deliver healthy babies with just one fallopian tube.
Problems With the Fallopian Tubes
The fallopian tubes refer to the slender tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. In the typical female reproductive tract, there is one fallopian tube and one ovary on each side of the uterus. These muscular ‘J-shaped’ tubes are usually open, allowing eggs to pass through from the ovaries. However, various problems and abnormalities may exist that block or damage one or both tubes.
Obstructions in the fallopian tube can prevent an egg from traveling through the tube and into the uterus. Also known as tubal factor infertility, a blocked fallopian tube can prevent fertilization and increase a woman’s risk of a tubal or ectopic pregnancy.
Blocked fallopian tubes are most commonly caused by pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This is often a result of a sexually transmitted disease. Blocked fallopian tubes can also have other causes, such as endometriosis, previous ectopic pregnancy, prior surgery involving the fallopian tubes, history of a ruptured appendix or abdominal surgery, and a history of uterine infections caused by miscarriage or abortion.
What are causes, signs & symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes?
Unfortunately, there are rarely signs of blocked fallopian tubes, and women often don’t know they have blocked fallopian tubes until they are trying to get pregnant and are running into issues.
If you have ever suffered from pelvic inflammatory disease, there is a good chance that your tubes are blocked, as doctors estimate that at least three out of four women that have had a sexually transmitted disease do suffer from tubal blockage.
A specific kind of blocked fallopian tube, called hydrosalpinx, may cause lower abdominal pain and unusual vaginal discharge, but not every woman will have these symptoms. Hydrosalpinx is when a blockage causes the tube to dilate (increase in diameter) and fill with fluid. The fluid blocks the egg and sperm, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.
Can you have a baby with one ovary?
Tips For Conceiving with Just One Ovary
All other things being equal, women with one ovary don’t have a lower chance of getting pregnant compared to women with two ovaries. However, it all depends on why the ovary was removed. An underlying condition like ovarian cysts or endometriosis will affect fertility in its own way. Two ovaries, each connected to the uterus by a fallopian tube. That’s the standard arrangement we were taught in health class. Of course, no one’s body completely matches the textbooks. For various medical reasons, a woman may have an ovary surgically removed. For a woman with just one ovary, it’s natural to worry about the impact on fertility. Fortunately, in many cases, there is little change in the rate of pregnancy for those who have had an ovary removed. Let’s look at some of the reasons for removing an ovary as well as the key factors affecting fertility with a single ovary. You might find this natural ovulation booster helpful. Some couples end up trying IVF and this is what not to do during the two week wait to keep your sanity.
Final thought
If you aren’t having regular periods, odds are you’re not ovulating regularly. Even the most healthy and clear fallopian tube in the world can’t do much unless there is a healthy, mature egg to move through its channels. Learn how you can tracking your menstrual cycle and and increase your personal fertility window (the days leading up to ovulation essential to timing sex for pregnancy.)