Making the decision to have a child is momentous….
If you’re wondering how to get pregnant after treating pelvic inflammatory disease, then you’ve come to the right place.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a common infection that affects the womb (uterus), ovaries and fallopian tubes. Fortunately, it’s easily treated with antibiotics. But it’s important to have PID diagnosed. Left untreated, it can cause scarring and damage to the fallopian tubes and other nearby tissues, which can lead to fertility problems.
What are the symptoms of PID?
You might not have any symptoms of PID, or you may only have mild symptoms of discomfort. Look out for:
1. pain in your belly or pelvis (usually on both sides)
2. pain deep in your pelvis when you have sex
3. unusual vaginal bleeding, such as heavy bleeding, bleeding after sex or spotting between periods
4. yellow, green or smelly vaginal discharge
The longer PID is left untreated, the more likely it is to have consequences for your long-term health. So, if you experience the symptoms above, see your GP as soon as possible. A severe PID infection may lead to pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, which may get progressively worse.
If you develop these more serious symptoms, seek medical advice straight away.

Will having PID affect my fertility?
The earlier you get treatment for PID, the lower the risk of it causing fertility problems. Most women who are treated for PID have no problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy in the future.
However, if you have severe PID or your PID goes untreated, it could damage your fallopian tubes and affect your fertility. In particular, repeated episodes of PID can increase your risk of having fertility problems.
It’s estimated that one in 10 women with PID have fertility problems. Sadly, damage to the fallopian tubes as a result of PID can also increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy (where the fertilised egg implants outside the womb).
This may sound scary, but try to remember that most women with PID are able to conceive without difficulty.
What causes PID?
PID is almost always caused by bacteria, usually from a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The infection spreads up through the cervix to infect the rest of the womb, and the fallopian tubes and ovaries. So, it’s important to be checked and treated for these STIs if you think you’re at risk.
Your chances of developing PID increase if you:
1. have sex without a condom
2. If you are under 25, as chlamydia is common in young people
3. First had sex at a young age
4. Have a new sexual partner
4. Have multiple sexual partners
5. Have a history of STIs, or your partner does
How is PID diagnosed?
There isn’t a single test for PID. Instead, if your GP thinks that you could have PID, she’ll ask you about your symptoms, and offer you a physical examination. She’ll probably want to feel your tummy, as well as the inside of your vagina, to check for signs of PID. A pelvic exam may be uncomfortable, particularly if you do have PID, but it should be over within a matter of minutes.
Your doctor will also offer to take swabs from your vagina and cervix, to look for possible STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea. If you have either of these, it increases the chances that your symptoms are related to PID. You may also be offered some blood tests.
If these tests don’t provide a clear diagnosis, you may be referred to a specialist at a hospital for further tests. These could include:
1. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
2. An ultrasound scan, using a probe gently inserted into your vagina
3. taking a sample of the tissue from the lining of your womb for testing (a biopsy)

How is PID treated?
If it’s caught early enough, PID can be treated with a simple course of antibiotics. Your doctor is also likely to recommend that you take painkillers to relieve any discomfort.
If your doctor isn’t completely sure you have PID, she’s likely to offer you antibiotics anyway, to be on the safe side. Even a slight delay in treatment can risk damage to your fallopian tubes and ovaries, and your long-term health. You and your partner will both need to take antibiotics, to make sure he doesn’t reinfect you.
If you have a severe infection, you’ll need to be admitted to hospital. You may also need to go into hospital if doctors aren’t sure what’s causing your symptoms, if you’re pregnant, or if you’re not getting better after taking oral antibiotics.
If the infection is extremely severe, it can lead to an abscess in your ovaries or fallopian tube. If this happens, your doctor will recommend a minor operation to drain the fluid. She’ll discuss your options with you and help you choose the best treatment for you.
I’ve had PID. What fertility treatments can I have?
If you’re having difficulty getting pregnant after having PID, your GP will refer you to a fertility specialist, who may offer you a minor surgical investigation called a “lap and dye” test (short for laparoscopy and dye).
If a problem is found, there are two treatment options:
1. Tubal surgery to repair any damage or unblock your fallopian tube,
2. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment
The likelihood of success with each treatment depends on your situation. Your fertility specialist will work with you to find the best option for you.
If you’re having trouble conceiving because of PID, get support in your friendly community group for couples dealing with infertility, or learn more about what’s involved in IVF treatment and healthy Pregnancy.