Tracking ovulation with irregular periods
Being a ‘MOM’ is a dream of every woman, but some face different problems from irregular periods and ovulation. I will show you step-by-step how to regulate your periods and stimulate ovulation.
For women trying to conceive, the best way to increase the chances of success centers around pinpointing ovulation accurately. Ovulation is when a woman’s ovaries release an egg.
Do you have irregular periods?
Having irregular periods means your menstrual cycle is longer than 36 days or shorter than 21 days. It also defines as your menstrual cycle varies from month to month. Like if one month your period is 22 days, and next month its 35 days your cycle is irregular. This ovulation calculation for irregular periods certainly helps.
Researches have proven that variations in your menstrual cycle strongly affect your infertility than shorter or longer regular period’s cycle. It means if your cycle is a little bit longer than usual cycle you have less chance of infertility. While someone is having variations in a sequence, length falls under a reasonable range of periods have more chances of infertility.
There are limits of variations in a cycle. Like if you have delayed in your period is 1 or 2 days it is quite reasonable. But if changes are longer than a week, then it will affect your fertility.
You can count your menstrual cycle by counting the first day of your last period to the first day of your next periods. After doing that you can check either your periods are regular or not.
What causes an irregular menstrual cycle?
There are many factors which cause irregular periods in your body. If the level of estrogen and progesterone change in your body then your periods became irregular.
Following are some cause of irregular cycle:
- Hormonal shift:
Hormones are ‘chemical messengers.’ In our body, there is a network of hormonal tissues that transfer messages from one part to another.
The number of Hormonal tissues in our body changes every day. Hormones can fluctuate during pregnancy, puberty,
Breastfeeding and menopause. When hormones are the imbalance, your menstrual cycle also varies and become irregular.
- Changed diet:
- If you are drinking alcohol, it will cause the imbalance in your menstrual cycle. Researches have proven this that Alcohol consumption will increase the level of estrogen testosterone, which may affect a healthy women cycle.
- If you are eating imbalance diet, it will also disturb your menstrual cycle. A high fiber diet or too lower fiber diet is not suitable for your cycle.
- Excessive exercise:
If you recently joined the gym, then it will cause a mess up your periods. Too much excessive activity will cause skipping periods because your body needs specific body fat to ovulate.
- Stress:
If you have a hard time at your work, your cycle will be disturbed. If you are suffering from anxiety, your menstrual cycle will mess up. And your body will shut down those hormones which are needed to ovulate.
- Sleep:
If you have insomnia and not have a proper rest, it will also disturb your menstrual cycle. It will disrupt your ovulation and menstruation.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome irregular periods:
If you are suffering from PCOS, this will bother you cycle or stop it. In PCOS your androgen level increase which disturbs monthly cycle of ovulation and menstrual.
- Endometriosis irregular periods:
Estrogen and progesterone hormones both play an essential role in the menstrual cycle. But if you are suffering from Endometrial hyperplasia, then these hormones will be imbalanced.
In result of this disease, your menstrual bleeding will be heavier, or your menstrual cycle will be shorter than 21 days.
- Uterine fibroids:
Fibroids can cause heavy and painful periods. Signs of fibroids appear in women at the age of 20 to 30.
Excessive muscle grows in the uterus of women and causes heavy bleeding.
- Intrauterine device:
It’s a device which doctor’s place in Uterus and it prevent women from becoming pregnant. With the result of this, you may suffer from heavy menstrual or your periods will stop.
- Weight loss:
If women do not have a regular period, it will affect ovulation. If a woman is underweight, then a level of body fat for reproduction and menstrual will be decreased. As a result of this periods will be disturb.
If you are suffering from irregular periods then a question arises:
Is an irregular period a sign of infertility?
Regarding physical wellbeing, the majority of women are worried about their ability to get pregnant. Then question arises on how irregular periods effects their abilities to conceive. An irregular menstrual cycle can cause 30% to 40% chances of infertility.
Irregular periods, no periods or heavy bleeding depicts that you are not ovulating. Ovulation means rupture of ovarian follicles and release of eggs from ovaries.
Irregular periods and ovulation
If your periods are regular, then you ovulate regularly. But if you have irregular periods, then you can be sure about ovulation. If you don’t ovulate, but still there is bleeding, then there are chances of infertility.
Ovulation starts in the luteal phase and continues till the start of periods. Ovary releases progesterone in this phase and it mature uterine lining, and prepare it for the embryo. But if you can’t conceive, progesterone stop and bleeding starts.
To check your ovulation, you have to monitor your body temperature and check the discharge from a uterus. And if you ovulate, then you can be conceived.
If you have irregular periods, your conceiving is difficult, but it is not impossible.
Length of your cycle also matters that either it is shorter or longer.
- Shorter menstrual cycle:
Ovulation occurs during the regular period. The menstrual cycle becomes shorter when women get older. Number of eggs in ovaries decreases, as a result, there is early development follicle and ovulation. Sometimes ovulation does not occur due to short menstrual cycle.
- Longer menstrual cycle:
Lack of regular ovulation causes a longer menstrual cycle. During long period, follicle does not mature and ovulate. As a result of this progesterone does not release lining become block. Due to this reason heavy and prolonged menstrual cycle occurs.
How do I know when I am ovulating if my periods are irregular?
Your periods will be irregular due to many reasons. When you have an irregular cycle, it is hard to predict when you will evaluate.
To have to baby it will become a mission in your life and for this purpose, you do everything correctly.
Women body runs like a clockwise every month because it is very complicated. For conceiving you have to calculate your evaluation period. These periods starts 14 days before the menstrual cycle.
Evaluation means each egg will be fertilized in sperm. The irregular period may be due to many medical problems like polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, and endometrial hyperplasia, etc.
Follow these steps to check your evaluation:
- Examine vaginal discharge:
Virginal discharge provides important clues about your menstrual cycle. The color of discharge matter will change due to hormone imbalance.
- If you are ovulating, then release will be clean and thin, and there is the consistency of white eggs.
- During your menstrual cycle discharge will be cloudy and white.
- After your periods if there is brown color discharge, then it is not a common practice because your vagina is cleaning the old blood.
- Check body temperature:
When you are ovulating your initial body temperature (BBT) will guide you. Check you BBT daily for your regular menstrual cycle.
- Check your essential body temperature daily before you get up from the bed. Take a calendar on your bedside table and note the temperature of the body and write down on the schedule.
- During the first half cycle of your menstrual cycle your body temperature will remain the same. After that, it suddenly drops when ovulation is going to start. When ovulation begins, your body temperature will drip half degree
- The proper time to a sex two days before the start of ovulation, because if you have sex on the day of ovulation, you have only 5% chances of pregnancy.
- Examine your cervix:
The cervix is the lower portion of your uterus. During your menstrual cycle, your cervix becomes changes.
The position of your cervix will help you to determine either you are on ovulation or not.
- Check your cervix daily with two of your fingers and note the location and texture of uterus.
- Your uterus will be hard and low during the first part of your menstrual cycle.
- As you start to ovulate your body cervix become slightly soft and shortens and it allows sperms to easily excess to your ovum.
- To check your uterus inserts your finger several inches into your vagina. Once your finger touches a doughnut shape matter, you have reached your uterus.
- Start a calendar at the start of your menstrual cycle:
Your basic body temperature and vaginal discharge will help to determine your ma=menstrual cycle.
If you have irregular periods, your menstrual chart will help you to track your cycle.
- Note down the first day of your menstrual cycle. If you are suffering from irregular periods, then you may be menstrual cycle after 21-35 days and will last for 2-7 days.
- When you have new periods, then it will be the new day of your cycle.
- Note readings for several months a take an average of that.
Tracking with ovulation tests
When a woman is about to ovulate, an important hormone known as the luteinizing hormone (LH) begins to spike, which indicates that an ovary is about to release an egg. LH levels usually spike 24-48 hours before ovulation begins, indicating a 5-6-day window when a woman is most likely to conceive. An ovulation test can track the LH levels in a woman’s urine and serve as a strong predictor that conception is most possible during the ovulation window. When used accurately, ovulation tests are considered 99% effective and are considered one of the best options for improving conception success rates in women with irregular periods.
Ovulation test kit will test your hormonal level. Luteinizing hormone rises before an ovary releases eggs, and it’s a sign of fertility.
- Ovulation test requires urine to check the level of luteinizing hormone. The result will be positive before the time of ovulation.
- Take a series of test day and then find the correct day.
- Cervix and vaginal discharge will help you to take the ovulation test.
- This test also helps to know that how irregular your menstrual cycle is.
I bet my life you’d give just about anything to know exactly what to do to getting pregnant fast and carry the baby to full term! These getting pregnant tips will boost your fertility. Find out here help getting pregnant and staying pregnant.