For any woman awaiting the results of a pregnancy test, those grueling minutes can be the longest of her life. When the result is not what you had hoped for, it is heartbreaking.
You are not alone. Infertility affects 7.4 million women in the U.S. alone.
The good news is that with some changes, inside knowledge on improving conception odds, and natural fertility treatments, these can help tip the scale your their favor.
How to naturally increase fertility

It’s the small things that makes the biggest differencee. If you suspect that your cycles may be irregular, then try making a few of these small changes.
Maintain a Healthy Diet & Weight
Opt for lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein. As tempting as they are, overdoing it on refined carbohydrates, sweets, and saturated fats can be hard on the body and make weight gain more likely. Studies have found that losing as little as 5% of body weight in those that are overweight can dramatically improve fertility in men and women.
A normal BMI falls in the range of 18.5 to 24.9 with anything above 25 considered overweight and over 30 classified as obese. Study results show that the chance of pregnancy lowered by 4% for every BMI over 29. Women with a BMI of 35 had a 26% less chance of spontaneous pregnancy and this jumped to 43% for women at a BMI of 40.
Consider Talking to a Therapist
Going through fertility treatment and trying to conceive can be stressful. While some stressors can be relieved, others such as work and family are harder to control. A study found that psychological interventions for women with infertility have the potential to decrease anxiety and depression and may lead to higher pregnancy rates. Psychological interventions could include talking to a therapist, performing relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation, and challenging negative thoughts with cognitive behavioral therapy.
Cut Back On Coffee & Alcohol
Most of us need coffee to get going in the morning and we enjoy cocktails with friends. But both can have a negative impact if you overindulge when trying to conceive. Aim to limit caffeine to 200mg of caffeine per day and remember that caffeine is also found in tea, chocolate, and soft drinks. Cut back alcohol to no more than 2-3 servings per week. One serving of alcohol is one ounce of hard liquor, 4.5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer.
Quit Smoking
Smoking significantly hurts fertility potential in both men and women. In women, chemicals in cigarettes accelerate egg loss and can cause menopause to occur 1-4 years earlier. For men, cigarettes decrease sperm quality, count, shape (morphology), and ability to move (motility). Smoking can also impact the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg.
Track Your Cycles
The 12-24 hour ovulation window usually happens 12-14 days before your period starts, based on a 28-day cycle. There are many ways to pinpoint when you are ovulating. For example, your discharge should turn into the consistency of egg whites and your body temperature will increase. Tracking your period and ovulation symptoms in an app can also help. An ovulation predictor kit can alert you to your fertile window by measuring the increase in luteinizing hormone in your urine, signaling that an egg is about to be released.
Have Sex Before & During Ovulation
Sperm can live in the uterus for three to five days, so having sex leading up to ovulation can help. Have sex one to two days before ovulation and again on the day you think you’re ovulating. This will result in a healthy supply of sperm waiting in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, increasing your chances of conceiving.
How to boost fertility naturally
Ovulation is a short but crucial window where the miracle of life happens. Trying to conceive on this borrowed time can become a lot of pressure for couples. Many people don’t know how to increase female fertility. Open that window up a little more by learning how to improve ovulation naturally. Above are 5 ways to boost your ovulation. Go read them again
When you’re yearning for a child, getting pregnant can’t come quickly enough. But for both men and women, there are a few steps to increase your ability to conceive. Some decide on IVF which comes with the infamous two week wait symptoms where you can’t do anything but wait. Can you get pregnant with one fallopian tube –YES, depending on the location of the blockage
Natural remedy to boost ovulation
We know it goes without saying, but ovulation is a pretty important step when it comes to getting pregnant, and knowing when you ovulate can help increase your chances of success.
Sometimes your body falls out of its natural rhythm which can be quite frustrating. Luckily, there has been a lot of great research on how to reduce your risk of ovulatory infertility and support a regular, healthy menstrual cycle.
If you have irregular ovulation and irregular periods, you will first need to be able to understand the unique pattern of your cycles as well as your hormone levels and address the root cause of the problem.
In the meantime, be sure to incorporate the lifestyle changes I am going to show you to optimize your cycle regularity and ovulation as much as you can. You may find that’s all you need.
Boost ovulation and increase you changes of getting pregnant
The following list provides some suggestions on how to improve your overall well-being and boost your fertility to help bring you one step closer to motherhood.
The fact is that the egg can actually be fertilized over a maximum of a 24-hour period. The good news is that sperm can ideally survive in the vagina for up to 5 days. So, if you are hoping to get pregnant, the ideal time to have sex is up to three days before ovulation and one day afterwards. If you do not detect ovulation and if you are unable to identify any fertility symptoms (e.g., an increase in basal body temperature, increased libido, stretchy cervical mucus), an ovulation test can help to narrow down the window.
A range of devices can also help you track which days you’re fertile. Like ovulation tests, these measure the LH concentration in the morning urine.
Scheduled sex is too unromantic for you? It is usually assumed that sleeping together roughly every three days after your period will be sufficient for you to get pregnant within a few cycles. But can natural products give you a little boost?
Yes, learn here how you can skyrocket your ovulation and increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.